


Successful composers undergo training in all aspects of the music process, 不仅学习音乐理论和作曲, 还有音乐史和乐器或嗓音方面的训练.  结果是, 作曲家可以遵循各种各样可能的职业道路, often combining composition with some other aspect of music making.  这种组合对每个人来说都是独一无二的, 但这一切都建立在创造音乐的内在欲望之上.


  • 大学/学院教员: There will always be a composer on the faculty roster of every college and university music department, usually because composers are able to teach other music subjects as well.  A faculty position offers a stable career with predictable salaries and such benefits as health and life insurance.  Being part of a college or university music department also makes available student and faculty performers, 通常还会有一个当代乐团来朗读你的音乐.  然而, such positions usually require a doctoral degree and full-time positions are not as available as they once were.
  • Composer-performer: Because composers usually have been playing an instrument or singing already, such skills can afford the individual opportunities that bridge both activities.  Employers often welcome individuals that can perform as well as provide new and interesting music.   除了来自流行音乐和爵士乐世界的明显例子, 像拉赫玛尼诺夫这样受过古典音乐训练的作曲家, 弗雷德里克Rzewski, 菲利普·格拉斯, William Bolcom and Steve Reich have successfully combined performance and composition into successful careers.
  • Composer-accompanist: There will always be a need for pianists that can accompany performers.  钢琴家通常专攻某一特定类型的音乐, 比如为歌手或特定乐器创作的文学作品.  Individuals can also work as rehearsal pianists for dancers or musical theater productions.  The ability of a composer to quickly arrange or rearrange music becomes an asset.
  • Composer-conductor: Composers will often create their own ensembles from friends and colleagues to play their music.  And as a result, these composers may develop a reputation as fine conductors as well.  Famous contemporary composer-conductors include Leonard Bernstein, 约翰·亚当斯, Pierre Boulez和Esa-Pekka Salonen.
  • 作曲家/经理助理: Being an assistant to an established composer can be an exciting career since it not only affords the possibility of meeting important artists in the music world but also provides the opportunity to learn advanced composing skills from the composer you’re assisting.   更重要的是, such a position trains those skills that would be important for a position as manager for performing ensembles or solo artists.  然而, major composers and artists usually pick their own students for assistant positions.
  • 电影或戏剧作曲家:所有视频制作, 包括全长电影, 电影短片或广告用音乐来表达情感, 强化或加强视觉或口头内容.  This is a profitable career component for composers who can quickly adjust to the needs of the director and producer who are in charge.  Composing incidental music for live theatrical or commercial productions can be part of this career as well.
  • 电子游戏作曲家因为数字技术的飞速发展, 电子游戏是一个非常有利可图的行业, 这些产品总是需要音乐.  进入这个行业竞争非常激烈, but once you’ve established yourself with a company and can meet their expectations in terms of style and schedule, 这个职业可能非常有利可图.
  • 评论家/音乐记者: If you like to write prose, working as a journalist or critic can be a rewarding career.  Training in composition will often bring an interesting perspective to your writing.
  • 抄写员: Setting up scores and parts is an integral part of the composer routine, 这样做的技能可以提供一个音乐抄写员的职业生涯.  Composers are sensitive to the needs of performers and conductors in reading their music, and successful copyists are able to meet the scheduling demands of their clients.

用在音乐学校学到的各种技能, 作曲家也可以考虑这样的机会:

  • 在一家出版社工作.
  • 在一家唱片公司工作.
  • 在广播或电视公司工作.
  • 为广告商工作.
  • 为教育技术提供商工作.
  • 为艺术展示机构工作.


The 音乐学士(bus) program in 作文 offers training and experience to support the development of your personal style. It offers preparation for continued study and entry into the professional music world. 我们的教师 includes award-winning composers, representing a diversity of styles. Students may study a variety of topics in class and privately: traditional and electronic composition, 编曲与编曲, 对位分析, 风格和历史.

Guest composers and theorists are frequently invited to lecture and interact with our students. Recent guests have included Jennifer Higdon, Thomas Oboe Lee, Lei Liang and Krzysztof Penderecki.

The Bachelor of Music in 作文 includes six semesters of music theory, 六个学期的私人理论或写作课, 八个学期的作文研讨课, 三个学期的音乐史和一个学期的世界音乐课, 四个学期的乐器自学, 还有键盘学习课程, 进行, 电子音乐, 以及仪器方法. Students have many opportunities throughout their studies to present their compositions in masterclasses and recitals that lead to a senior recital of their original works. 我们的教师, 包括Marcos Balter(主席), Ting何, 斯科特·理查兹, 伊丽莎白布朗, 帕特里克·伯恩斯和马拉·迈斯纳, 与学生密切合作,发展他们的原创思想.

Prospective students must show evidence of composition skills in order to be admitted to the program.‌

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The MA degree program in 作文 offers advanced studies to support the development of students’ personal styles. We offer classes and private lessons in a wide variety of topics, 包括传统作曲和电子作曲, 编制, 安排, 对比分析, 风格和历史. 新的学生作品经常在教师面前表演, 导师, 大师班和独奏会上的同行和客座艺术家. Recent guest composers have included Thomas Oboe Lee, Lei Liang and Jennifer Higdon. Each year the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 Symphony and the Shanghai Quartet read works by student composers. 卡利学院的教师理论家和作曲家, 包括Marcos Balter(主席), Ting何, 斯科特·理查兹, 帕特里克•伯恩斯, 玛拉·迈斯纳和露丝·兰德曼, work closely with students to help develop their individual ideas.

The goal of the composition program is to prepare students for the professional music world and doctoral programs. The school prides itself on being open to all styles and aesthetics of music as demonstrated by the varying styles of the faculty. 鼓励学生找到自己的作曲声音, 以及发现和研究新旧声音和美学.

Students must show evidence of strong composition skills in order to be admitted to the program.



